We FINALLY went for our daily exercise today. I've realised now, that actually, the time that we have been given, is precious. It's time that we would never have had. Our children aren't going to look back and think about the virus but will remember the time that they had with their parents, time to create memories, go back to basics and really enjoy each other.
So, with that in mind, we went off to the woods (at the top of our street) for a mini adventure. I took my trusty walking stick for balance and Selina had on her reigns. It was wonderful. However, we have realised that Selina likes even surfaces - she point blank refused to walk where the path broke up. At one point, she just lay on the floor in a rather dramatic 'fall'. She's a character.
We went off the path and into the trees, we found a den that another family had built - Selina wouldn't go in. She did find a stick which was carried about with her. She then broke my heart. We walked by another family who had their little boy with them. Selina stopped dead in her tracks and stared at the little boy until they were in the distance before she said bye bye. She hasn't seen or played with another child in over 2 weeks. I can't imagine what she must be thinking about this whole situation.
So tonight, I want you to hug your children if you can, and make a promise to make the most of this time you have with them. Yes it may be hard not seeing the wider family, but it would be even harder not seeing them ever again. Enjoy this time that has been sprung upon you.
One day, your child will come home from school and ask about the year 2020, the year OF COVID-19. How you tell that story, is up to you. How do you wish to remember it?